The cost of education has reached an ever high and students aspiring to pursue their higher education in the US may find it impossible to cope without some financial assistantship. Through financial assistantship the student can hope for the University to cover his education costs either partly or fully. Therefore graduate students typically rely heavily on fellowships or assistantships, especially if you’re pursuing a high-need area like nursing or teaching, but these aren’t available to everyone and don’t always cover a graduate student’s living expenses. A number of scholarship providers are then willing to help graduate students finish the last leg of their educational journeys by providing a bit of extra funding. Consider all of the options you already would when you were funding your undergraduate education – essay scholarships, merit-based awards, student and career-specific scholarships – but expand your search to organizations and sponsorship opportunities. Already lodged in a profession? Find out what incentives your employer offers for employees pursuing an advanced degree. Many employers offer some form of tuition reimbursement, possibly up to 100 percent. While you’ll probably need to remain at that company for some time once you’ve complete your graduate degree, it could be a good deal if you were planning to do so anyway. Do your research, because you don’t necessarily need to add to that student loan debt you incurred during your undergraduate career.